What Kind of Man Are You?
Read through the descriptions below and select the report that best describes you.
Decide whether you’re after the free mini-report, or the full 19-page version.
What’s in the Reports | FREE Mini Report | Full $27 Report |
How you see the world (your dominant worldview) | – | X |
How the world sees you | X | X |
Why people like you (your gifts / offerings) | – | X |
Why you drive people crazy | X | X |
Your core fear | – | X |
Your journey through the four stages of maturity | 1 page | 8 pages |
Comms template: “What I look for in a partner / colleague / friend and what you can do to ‘win me over’ ” | – | X |
Comms template: “What I would ask of you to support me on my journey to maturity” | – | X |
Comms template: “What ‘I’ll alter him’ changes you can (and shouldn’t) expect from me” | X | X |
Self-coaching questions | – | X |
Decide whether you’re after the free mini-report, or the full 19-page version.
FREE Mini-Report
How the world sees you
Why you drive people crazy
Your journey through the four stages of maturity (one-page summary)
Comms template: “What ‘I’ll alter him’ changes you can (and shouldn’t) expect from me”
Full $27 Report
How you see the world (your dominant worldview)
How the world sees you
Why people like you (your gifts / offerings)
Why you drive people crazy
Your core fear
Your journey through the four stages of maturity (8-page detail)
Comms template: “What I look for in a partner / colleague / friend and what you can do to ‘win me over’ ”
Comms template: “What you can do to support me on my journey to maturity”
Comms template: “What ‘I’ll alter him’ changes you can (and shouldn’t) expect from me”
Self-coaching questions
Decide which man sounds most like you.
NOTE You may resonate with two of the categories below, even ones that are at the opposite ends of the Solidity spectrum. That’s quite common; you’ll have your own unique way of applying those apparently contrasting personality styles, and you’re welcome to download more than one report. If you find yourself unable to decide and needing more than three reports, you may need to do a bit more self-reflection.

YOU’RE HARD to miss. Your enthusiasm announces you when you walk into the room, and you naturally attract a lot of attention. Others might watch with envy as you sparkle and bristle with restless energy and exciting ideas. You’ll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at all hours, and a fast talker. People will watch and wonder how you can be so eternally optimistic and energetic. They’ll feel that they can get a booster shot of both, just from being close to you.
However, if anyone can’t keep up—and most people can’t—they’ll soon see the back of you. You won’t hang around. You don’t like to be around “boring”, “negative” or “heavy” situations for long—and “long” is a very short time for you. As soon as you sense any of those conditions brewing, you’ll start looking for something more exciting, whether it’s the next party, the next business idea or job, and sometimes even the next relationship partner.
Yes, I fit with this bunch, tell me more!
Not you? Try one of these:

YOU PROBABLY won’t be the first person in the room that people notice. That’s by design. You’d rather hang back a little, and check everyone else out. To them, you may appear slightly mysterious and intriguing. What they don’t know is that while you may look as calm and confident as James Bond on the surface, you’re managing a degree of anxiety beneath it. Yes, you’re like the proverbial duck gliding on water while paddling furiously beneath it.
People will find your mysterious air attractive, but somewhat daunting. You’ll put them at ease when you start to ask questions about them. When people get to know you, they’ll discover that you ask a lot of questions—about them, about other people, or about any situation that you’re getting into. This is true at home, at work, and with friends. They’ll also discover that you ask those questions not to be charming or polite so much as to settle your own wariness and anxiety.
Yes, I fit with this bunch, tell me more!
Not you? Try one of these:

YOU’RE NOT like all the other guys. You’re different. You’re deep. These are some phrases that you will have heard more than once by the time you turned 20. You know what they mean. It’s not just that you dress with a sense of style and creative flair, or that you stare off into the distance while others around you are jabbering about nonsense. Those are just indicators of your reflective self-awareness and tendency to question things—including yourself.
You have the air of an intellectual—a thinker. Some people find that intriguing, some intimidating, and others may find it pretentious. To that last point, you would say that they don’t understand you. Lacking your deep sensitivity, they’re Philistines. To boot, you hate superficiality; nothing matters more to you than authentic, meaningful conversation. When people do engage you, they’ll discover that you actually are a thinker—you question everything; you are different—you have a unique take on things; you are deep—you have a degree of mental and emotional flexibility that most other men don’t have.
Yes, I hate to admit it, but I fit with this bunch, tell me more!
Still not you? Try one of these:

THE ULTIMATE strong, silent type? Perhaps. Although your strength will be less the strength of forceful aggression and more the strength of calm stillness in the face of the former. You’re also less likely to be the target of aggression—who would want to or need to, you’re such a calm guy—than you are to be a witness of it. As a witness, you’ll be tempted, if not likely, to step in and try sort things out.
Your air of calm stillness might lead some people to pay less attention to you. Let’s put it this way, you’re not going to be the life and soul of the party, nor the person who seeks attention. That said, some may find your relative silence intriguing—either to challenge it and shake it up, or to find out what secrets you’re hiding or wisdom you’re holding onto.
Yes, I fit with this bunch, tell me more!
Not you again? Don’t give up yet.

YOU’LL BE the last person to arrive at the office party, or Friday drinks. You’ll fetch your drink and slink back against the wall. For any conversation to happen, people will have to approach you. It’s not going to be the other way around. Those who do are likely to get blunt, one-word answers for their efforts—until you discover that they work in the same field as you, at which point you’ll light up and become quite animated.
On the other hand, if someone meets you at a conference where you’re surrounded by your professional kin, they’ll find you in the middle of the floor, being as verbose as anybody. You might even be one of the speakers at said conference. They’ll also see you leave as soon as the subject matter discussions end. You won’t hang around for the chit-chat.
Yes, I’m with this bunch, tell me more!
Still not you? Keep going:

IF PEOPLE wanted to identify you at, let’s say, a book launch, they’d just have to be there at the exact time that’s on the invitation. That’s when you’ll arrive. If anything, they might miss you because you were five minutes early. You’ll be dressed appropriately for the occasion, and you’ll follow all the protocols when you arrive, without fuss. After all, that’s what a person should do, right?
You could be caught frowning, or perhaps even glaring, at anyone who doesn’t follow protocol—who doesn’t do what they should, or what’s right. Someone who sneaks a place near the front of the author’s signing queue, for example, or who answers their phone while the author is giving their speech.
Yes, I fit with this bunch, tell me more!
Not you again? You’re special! Only a few more to go:

YOU’RE THE person everybody looks at from across the room and thinks, How does he do it? Or, How do you manage to be so put together? By this they’ll mean your polished professional image. There’ll be no loose edges or raggedy bits. You won’t have a hair out of place, nor a thread of clothing that’s out of fashion, nor a watch, briefcase or car that doesn’t reflect an aspirational level of status and achievement.
You’ll be so put together that people might at first see you as somehow untouchable. Yet, you’ll be very likeable, and they’ll soon figure that you’re also human. They might see you, for example, serving meals at a school charity function, in which case they might remark on your humility. Not that you’re Prince William or Tom Cruise, but given the way they regard you, you might as well be.
Yes, I fit with this bunch, tell me more!
Still haven’t found yourself? That’s why you’re here , isn’t it? Keep going:

YOU’LL BE the heart and soul of any social event. You’ll probably arrive late, having stopped along the way to do somebody a favour, but once you’re there, you’ll be hard to miss. Your warm-hearted ebullience and gregariousness will spill over and affect everyone around you. You might even be a little loud. Certainly your humour and laughter will attract attention and lift the atmosphere, though some, like the “Learned” and the “Strict” Right Men, might find it intrusive.
People will feel drawn to your warmth and generosity. They’ll feel that you’re straightforward—what they see is what they get—and that you have their best interests at heart. All true, of course. You’ll be eager to listen and will readily jump in with suggestions regarding any challenge they might be facing. You’ll commonly offer to connect them with someone in your extensive network who might be able to help, whether it’s a vet for their cat or a potential funder for their new business.
Yes, I fit with this bunch, tell me more!
Still searching? Only one more to go:

PEOPLE’S FIRST impression of you will most likely be physical. And it probably won’t be your beauty and elegance that strikes them, so much as some variation of strength, solidness, and a low centre of gravity. If you’re tall, you probably won’t be lean, but big and imposing. Tall or short, and even in the odd case when you’re more slightly built, you’ll give the impression that you’re rooted to the ground in some way. If someone had to imagine trying to push you out of their way, they’ll quickly realise that they’ll have better luck with a tree. In a crowd of people you’ll be the one that nobody messes with or tries to shove out of their way. Good luck to them. That will be the air that you give off.
Your personality will match your physical presence. You’ll be down-to-earth, and proud of your tell-it-like-it-is, no-airs-and-graces approach to life and people. You’ll wonder out loud why people are so sensitive and need to beat around the bush so much. Why can’t they just be straightforward, the way you are? Your dress style will most likely be just as no-nonsense. You certainly won’t be a dandy.