Report | About Men


The “Optimistic” Ideas Man

Congrats! You’re about to invest in the full 18-page Man Matrix Report for the “Optimistic” Ideas Man.

NOTE This is the third-person version aimed at women seeking to understand a man / men. It uses the  pronouns he / him / his.

SKU: MM_FR_01_3P Category:


Report content includes:

  1. How you see the world (your dominant worldview)
  2. How the world sees you
  3. Why people like you (your gifts / offerings);
  4. Why you drive people crazy
  5. Your core fear (the underlying driver of much of your behaviour);
  6. Your journey through the four stages of maturity;
  7. Three “handouts” containing information you can share with others:
    1. What I look for in a partner / colleague / friend and what you can
      do to “win me over”;
    2. What I would ask of you to support me on my journey to maturity;
    3. What “I’ll alter him” changes you can (and shouldn’t) expect from me
  8. Plus a set of self-coaching questions

NOTE This is the third-person version aimed at women seeking to understand a man / men. It uses the  pronouns he / him / his.


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